

(Remote) Virtual Ciso

Chief Information Security Officers are widely viewed as a critical, but they come at a high cost and are difficult to recruit and retain. With a limited budget, we can often offer limited functionality to your team in the realm of risk management and strategic planning. Depending on budgets and need, short site visits may be needed to initiate the service. 

A vCISO  is an organizational risk advisor tasked with helping a company identify their critical assets (data included), creating a strategy to continuously monitor, measure, and improve security capabilities, but who is working on a less than full time (consultative) level. 

How this benefits you…

We have tailored a specific set of regular tasks to make the best use of time and efforts while providing the maximum impact to the overall security posture of the organization.

Verified and Validated Skills

We take our professional learning very seriously, as we know that to understand your environment, we often need to master the tools and methods you use.

Core Competencies Include:  

Physical security 

Risk Management 

Ongoing Training and Awareness 

Project Management 

Strategic Planning

Governance and Regulatory Compliance

Network assessments


penetration testing




complaince as a service



network assessment




PRocess Auditing 



Documentation Crafting

