

Making schools secure, educating staff, and protecting young learners is what we are all about. Whatever it is you do, we want to help make it secure. We specialize in security consulting, IT strategy, and risk management, but welcome any additional needs/requests. In this context, we offer this proposal for your consideration. 

In today’s technology-dependant learning environment, safety and privacy online are critical components. Securing your community’s data and protecting the tools students and staff use is our #1 priority.


Based on years of experience in IT, Telecommunications, and Security, we leverage a number of frameworks and methods to secure any environment regardless of size, industry, or maturity.

For education clients, we recommend using foundation benchmarks and controls from the Center for Internet Security (CISv8), Control Objectives for Informational and Related Technologies (COBIT5), and NIST’s Cyber Security Framework (CSF). 

Schools are often under tremendous pressure to keep costs low; we seek out and recommend the most cost effective (and often free) solutions. 

We understand education & security

Sam was a certified teacher, a school technologist for years and holds a Master’s in technology education. He works regularly with schools, universities, and youth organizations teaching cybersecurity, privacy, and the innovative use of technology (micro-computing, coding, drones, 3D printing, etc.). Processes and procedure writing, documentation of all kinds, and budgetary planning have been part of his experiences working as an consultant and IT Director in Florida, Alaska, and internationally for more than ten years. 

Now working as a Chief Information Security Officer for clients ranging from defense contractors to health care and legal firms  to property management corporations, he understands every client is unique and security must be part of an organization’s culture to be successful. Hiring and retaining security professionals is challenging and cost prohibitive in most cases. By partnering with us, you get the access you need without the overhead. We are passionate about supporting what you do and excited to help make it secure.

How this benefits you…

We have tailored a specific set of regular tasks to make the best use of time and efforts while providing the maximum impact to the overall security posture of the organization.